Monday, December 1, 2014

Should the Texas budget Cap be Changed?

In an article by the Texas Tribune, titled "State Leaders Adopt Spending Cap for Next Budget", a discussion topic about whether or not the spending cap should be altered is brought up. Proponents for tightening the budget cap argue that the legislature has easily passed budgets within the cap in the passed, so the cap should be tightened to prevent the threat of overspending. However on the opposite end, proponents of raising the cap suggest that by raising it there would be more room to help the infrastructure and public education. Based on the fact that we have billions of dollars in surplus right now, due to the petroleum boom, and because Texas education does seem to be suffering as well as other areas of importance such as road maintenance, I would be in favor of raising the budget cap as well. This doesn't mean the the legislature has to hit the cap, because as Dale Craymer said "the limit is a cap, not an obligation," meaning that there is room for the legislature to spend more on things they may need but they still don't have to hit the cap.

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